What is the standard for the consumption of electrical energy

Electricity is a product that is supplied to consumers from a producer through energy companies. Cooperation is carried out on the basis of contracts, which prescribe their subject matter, obligations and rights of the parties, the cost of a unit of goods and the volume of its provision. Since the country's resources are limited, a standard for electricity consumption has been established for categories of the population living in different conditions. The introduction of restrictive measures contributes to a more efficient consumption of electricity by reducing its consumption and installing more advanced metering devices.

Why do you need a standard for electricity consumption

Social norms of electricity consumption

The electricity rate is introduced where there are no meters registered and installed by specialists. Since in this case, citizens do not need to save, the state sets a minimum rate of electricity consumption per person using a multiplying coefficient. As a result, a situation arises when the consumer must pay more than he actually received. All this contributes to the fact that citizens strive to install accounting devices, and then start saving, which has a positive effect on the country's budget in general and the environment in particular, since a decrease in energy production reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the environment.

There is also such a thing as social norms of electricity consumption. They apply to objects that are equipped with meters. The average monthly calculation is carried out for one person living in an apartment or private house.

The standards for the consumption of electrical energy have been broken down into the following ranges:

  1. Acting in relation to the privileged category of the population. Such citizens are provided with 100 kW with a 25-90% discount, depending on the available benefits.
  2. First range. It is counted from the preferential rate, if any, or from zero. Payment is charged according to the tariff established for the settlement, district, region.
  3. Increased ranges. The price per unit of energy increases every 200-300 kW. The magnification factor can be up to 2.0.

Calculation according to the standard for electricity is carried out in two directions. If it is impossible to install a metering device for technical reasons (dilapidated state of the building, deterioration of communications) and there is an inspection report, minimum rates are applied. When the reason is the refusal of tenants, utilities use the maximum rates.

What is regulated

The procedure and rules for the consumption of electricity are enshrined in the legislative framework, which consists of federal laws, government decrees, and regulations of regional authorities.

The main documents that you need to rely on when developing a legal framework on the ground:

  • Federal Law No. 614 "On the Procedure for Establishing and Applying a Social Norm for Electricity Consumption";
  • Federal Law No. 35 “On the Electric Power Industry”;
  • Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

The authorities have been given the authority, within the limits limited by law, to vary tariffs, taking into account the available infrastructure, economic situation and climatic conditions.

Basic Provisions

Method for determining social norms

The established social norms of consumption apply only to payment. The consumer has the right to consume as much energy as he needs for housekeeping and creating comfortable living conditions. However, the price per unit of consumed electricity will grow progressively.

The size of the supply is characterized by the following factors:

  • equality for all segments of consumers;
  • the initial component for calculating the price;
  • use exclusively for domestic purposes.

This system was introduced to create a fair environment for users with different living standards. On average in the country, electricity is supplied at a price below cost. While this is normal for the poor, wealthy people use such subsidies undeservedly.

To eliminate this imbalance, a step-by-step tariffication system was introduced. Its essence lies in the fact that the owners of elite housing, consuming a lot of resources, will pay at a rate that exceeds the standards in force for the main population of the country.

For 2019, the following tariffs for utilities have been set:

  • basic - up to 300 kW;
  • increased - 300-500 kW;
  • economically feasible - over 500 kW.

According to statistics, today the average consumption per connection point is 225 kW / month.

Average electricity consumption in an apartment for a month

When calculating the average energy consumption, the presence or absence of gas supply for cooking is taken into account

This indicator is calculated and adjusted annually at the level of the Government and local authorities in the regions.

The rate is determined by the following parameters:

  • the presence and condition of the counter;
  • how many rooms are in the room;
  • total living area;
  • number of family members;
  • is there a general house meter in the building;
  • the value of ONE (general building needs), which is determined by the amount of resources for non-residential areas;
  • gas supply for cooking;
  • use of electrical installations for heating;
  • location of the building (city or countryside).

The calculation is carried out according to the number of people registered in the living space separately for single citizens and families. For those who live alone, the norm is 95-135 kW per month, depending on the region of residence and the level of development of energy supply technologies. For families, the standard will be calculated in arithmetic progression based on the level of gasification of housing. This takes into account how new the building is. Energy-saving equipment is installed in modern buildings, which reduces the size of the ONP by 15-20% per year.

The pros of this approach:

  1. Taking into account the interests of low-income categories of citizens, whose share in the country is large. Wealthy people can consume an unlimited amount of resources, but they will also pay at an increased rate.
  2. Improving the subsidy system by increasing fees from wealthy consumers.
  3. Reducing the load on power lines and intra-building communications.

The disadvantage of the system for calculating electricity according to the standard is that it eliminates some benefits and does not take into account the interests of owners of old housing, where it is not possible to install modern metering devices.

Electricity consumption by region

This indicator can be very different, since the living conditions of citizens differ not only in climatic factors, but also in the level of subsidies and subsidies that the local budget can allocate. In addition, the amount of allocated resources is determined by the average level of wages in the region.

Maximum social norms for a month:

CityOne manA family
2St. Petersburg140190

The rates vary widely, which is economically justified. As an example: the standard of living in the Altai Territory is the lowest in the Federation. Based on this, the residents of this region are given the highest rate.In addition, it is taken into account that the region is practically not supplied with gas; electrical appliances are used for cooking and heating.

Electricity consumption standards per person without meter

Electricity consumption standards without a meter

Calculation of payment in the absence of a meter for the supplied energy is carried out at two rates:

  1. If there is an act of inspection and recognition of the premises as emergency - according to the basic standards.
  2. In the absence of an act - economically justified.

Depending on the area of ​​housing, 70-100 kW per month are allocated per person. For each subsequent one, another 50-70 kW is added. The cost per unit of energy is set by companies for each region individually.

You can calculate the monthly payment for the services received using the formula:

A = B x B x D, where:

  • B - the number of residents;
  • B - consumption rate per person (kW / month);
  • Г - electricity tariff (RUB / kW).

If the registered tenant leaves the property for a long time, an application should be submitted. The document must be confirmed with an official paper on a business trip, treatment, marks of being in another area.

How can you reduce consumption

Replacing incandescent lamps with LEDs will significantly reduce the amount of energy consumed

Competently organized energy savings will significantly reduce bills for its consumption.

There are the following ways to reduce resource usage:

  1. Install a two-tariff meter, turn on powerful consumers at night, when the price is 2 times lower.
  2. Move the refrigerator to the shady area, set the regulator correctly, do not put hot food in the chamber.
  3. Change incandescent lamps to LED counterparts.
  4. Install an energy-efficient power supply in your computer.
  5. Do not keep connected to the mains appliances that are used occasionally, consuming energy in standby mode.

Competent saving allows you to reduce billing costs by 40-60% while maintaining the level of comfort of living in the house.

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