Which brand of air conditioner is better to choose

The main difficulty when buying air conditioning equipment: which brand of air conditioner is better to choose. The technical characteristics of the future equipment will help to select the consultants of the selling company. But which brand of air conditioner is the best?

Selling company ratings

Which brand of air conditioner is better to chooseThere are ratings of several large companies that trade in HVAC equipment. They are based solely on the opinions of the sellers and the preferences of the buyers.

All air conditioners sold on the market are divided into three categories:

  • elite;
  • middle class;
  • economy class.

The best brands of air conditioners

All Daikin products are elite class, as well as the best models of inverter air conditioners Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, Panasonic.

This equipment is in demand among the wealthiest buyers. It has a sophisticated design and a powerful set of modern features. With proper handling and maintenance, the best brands of air conditioners can work for more than 15 years without a single breakdown.

But even elite equipment can break down. Most often, control boards suffer, there are problems with inter-block mounts.

Another significant disadvantage of expensive inverters is that if the air conditioner was installed incorrectly and the breakdown is caused by this, it will be more difficult to fix the device than an ordinary inexpensive one.

The cost of the best brands of air conditioners is somewhat overestimated due to extensive advertising campaigns. They also determine the consistently high rating. But speaking with an open mind, this equipment is really worth the money. And when choosing which brand of air conditioner is the best, you should take a closer look at the elite class.

Business class air conditioners

These are not inverter systems manufactured by Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, General, Fujitsu, Fuji, Sanyo... To the question: "What brand of air conditioner is better to choose?" many consultants will recommend products in this category. According to experts, the least complaints are caused by the equipment of the first three brands. Quite an acceptable combination of quality and cost. They are equipped with all the necessary options to create the most comfortable microclimate, while their price is not as high as in the elite class. An excellent performance resource puts them at the top of customer preference. All that is needed is timely cleaning and service. They will provide the best brands of air conditioners with long and trouble-free operation.

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