Buying an air conditioner that works for cooling

Heating and cooling with an air conditioner are familiar and standard functions. But if climatic technology is used only in the summer, you can save money and buy an air conditioner only for cooling. As a rule, you can lower the temperature in the room up to +18 degrees. But some more expensive models allow you to achieve +16.

Types of air conditioners for cooling

Buying an air conditioner that works for coolingAir conditioners working for cooling are:

  • window type;
  • split systems;
  • mobile.

The lack of a heating function significantly reduces their cost. Although, models of well-known manufacturers (Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Daikin) can cost significantly more than inexpensive models from Asian manufacturers that also work for heating.

How to calculate the cooling capacity

Before you buy an air conditioner for cooling only, you need to calculate its capacity.

You can approximately proceed from the ratio:

  • 10 square meters of floor space with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters accounts for 1 kilowatt of power.

To calculate more accurately, you will have to take into account:

  • direction and size of windows;
  • number of people;
  • the number of household appliances.

If the windows face south, add 20% to your original figure.

If the room is with panoramic windows, add the same amount.

The abundance of equipment and people in the room increases the amount by another 20% for each point.

Professionals calculate the flow of heat into the room, allowing you to accurately determine the amount of required cold air.

Toshiba air conditioners for cooling

Toshiba introduces the GACV series of split inverter systems. These are air conditioners working for air cooling. The series includes several models, differing in power and capable of serving up to 80 square meters.

Outdoor units can be selected with a capacity of 5 - 8 kilowatts. These are very quiet air conditioners that consume less electricity compared to their counterparts.

Up to 4 indoor wall, duct or cassette types can be connected to one outdoor unit. But this type of air conditioner will not provide heating and cooling. The length of cold lines can be equal to 70 meters.

Daikin air conditioners for cooling

In the Daikin model range, air conditioners for cooling only air are represented by the line FTX20J – RX20J, FTX35J-RX35J, FTX25J-RX25J. All three units are controlled by inverter systems, ensuring excellent operation even with voltage surges. The change in the flow and intensity of the blowing, the quiet operation of the fans and the low price make these air conditioners only for air cooling, very popular and in demand among consumers.

  • Power from 2 to 3.5 kilowatts;
  • Noise level of indoor units 22 decibels, outdoor units up to 48 decibels;
  • Equipped with special winter kits, air conditioners can operate up to -15 degrees outside.
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