The more profitable and better it is to heat the house: with a gas tank or with electricity

The standard heating option for a private house or apartment is a gas boiler and water heating. There are alternatives: an electrical system is installed in the apartment, and an autonomous gas supply is installed in your own house. Both gas and electricity have many benefits.

Factors affecting the profitability of the two options

When choosing a heating system, start-up investments, equipment maintenance and fuel / energy costs must be taken into account.

The main parameter of choice is cost. But all the components should be evaluated: the price of the energy source, the cost of equipment, the timing and cost of installation and maintenance. The cost of repair and technical inspection is also taken into account.

For the installation of a gas boiler and gas tank, a permit from the gas service is required. No permission is required for electric boilers or heaters.

Gas and electricity costs

Heating is designed to compensate for the heat loss caused by the house or apartment in winter. This value is used to calculate the volume of consumption of electricity or gas. Determine the duration of the heating period - E, in hours. In the calculations, errors are allowed, therefore they consider:

  • The efficiency of the electric boiler is 98%;
  • Gas efficiency - 92%;
  • the calorific value of liquefied gas varies from 12.6 to 24.4 kW * h / kg.
If there is a two-tariff meter, electricity costs may be less than for liquefied gas

All values ​​are substituted into the formulas and get:

  • VQ × E / (1260 × 0.92), where V Is the volume of liquefied gas, and Q - the warmth of the building. It is better to calculate the calorific value of a propane-butane mixture based on the minimum indicators.
  • VQ × E / 0.98, where V - conditional amount of electricity.
  • multiply by the received amount of gas and find out how much heating costs.

To understand what is more expensive - gas from a gas tank or electricity, the cost is calculated.

  • On average, with a single-tariff connection, 1 kW of electricity costs 3.2 rubles. The price is multiplied by the conventional amount of energy and the cost of heating is obtained for the entire period. With a two-tariff connection, the amount will be less.
  • The average cost of a liquefied gas mixture is 18 rubles. per kg.

As a result of calculations, it turns out that 1 kW / h of electricity according to the one-tariff option costs within 4.05 rubles, according to the two-tariff version - 1.26 rubles. The cost of 1 kW when operating on reduced gas is 2.65 rubles.

Operation and maintenance costs

Maintenance of the gas tank is more expensive - it needs to be refueled periodically, check the integrity of the installation

From this point of view, electricity turns out to be much more profitable than a gas tank, and in any case: an electric boiler with water heating or electric stationary heaters.

Maintenance of an autonomous heating or gas supply system is more expensive:

  • Installation and inspection of the gas pipeline of the stove and boiler and even the gas meter can only be carried out by an employee of the gas service. Electric heaters or electric boilers do not need to be checked periodically.
  • If any of the devices fails, you need to call the gas service. The cost of repair or replacement depends on the type of equipment.
  • The procedure for replacing a gas supply is more complicated and takes longer than replacing an electrical appliance.
  • The fuel supply in the gasholder must be replenished.The consumer pays for transportation and gas injection.

When changing the heating method, for example, connecting to a gas main, in either case, you will have to completely change the equipment.

Initial attachments

At the stage of installing a gas tank, the costs are several times higher than when buying and installing an electric boiler

The total cost of a power supply system is determined by capital investment. If the house is equipped with an electrical system, the start-up investment looks like this:

  • the purchase and installation of an electric boiler is carried out at any time and does not require a permit;
  • an electric stove, a boiler, an oven are bought in a store, installed in any convenient place and plugged into an outlet.

The only limitation is the wiring. If the house is equipped with an electrical heating system, it is worth installing a three-phase electrical network.

Investments in the organization of autonomous gas supply are much higher:

  • development and approval of a gasification project;
  • a pit should be dug under the tank, the gas pipeline should be laid underground and trenches should be filled;
  • purchase, installation and connection of a gas boiler - carried out only with permission and only by employees of the gas service;
  • laying a gas pipeline in the house.

The cost of almost any electric apparatus is lower than that of a gas one. Capital investments in gasification are much higher.

Comparison of the cost of gas and electricity

What to choose - a gas tank as a source of fuel or electricity, also depends on specific conditions: the type of dwelling, the value of tariffs, the ability to influence the cost of a particular energy source.

When used in the home

In a private house, the source of energy can be main gas, a propane-butane mixture from a gas tank and electricity:

  • when using electricity with a single-tariff connection and the price of electricity at 3.2 rubles. the cost of heating will be 147.2 thousand rubles;
  • with two-tariff, the amount is reduced to 95 thousand rubles;
  • if main gas is used as a source of energy, heating costs up to 34 thousand rubles;
  • if liquefied gas - 140.5 thousand rubles.

It is most advantageous to connect to the gas main. The second most economical way is a two-tariff connection. A single tariff connection and a gas holder have the same cost.

In the apartment

There is less choice: main gas or electricity. According to previous calculations, it is clear that preference should be given to centralized gas supply.

If the owner of the apartment is entitled to benefits when paying for electricity, the installation of an electric stove may be more profitable, given that the initial cost of gas appliances, their maintenance and installation are more expensive than electric ones.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both the gas tank, the electricity, and the main gas have their pros and cons. It concerns not only the price for use and maintenance.

Electric heating

Advantages of the solution:

  • safety - the risk of a short circuit is reduced to a minimum;
  • installation of an electrical appliance is reduced to mounting on the wall and plugging it into an outlet;
  • no permission required for installation;
  • repairs are done quickly, and inspections are rare.


  • in the event of an accident or planned shutdown, the dwelling remains without heating;
  • electricity is the most expensive source of energy;
  • with a large area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe home, you will have to install three-phase wiring.

Electrical appliances are noticeably simpler and more convenient to use, they provide high accuracy of adjustment.

Gas holder

The main advantage of the gas tank is independence from the gas pipeline

The advantages of autonomous gas supply:

  • independence from the operation of the gas main;
  • constant gas supply at the same pressure;
  • safety - even with a leak, the gas goes into the soil, which excludes fire or explosion;
  • you can install an autonomous gas supply at any site and in any weather conditions.


  • the cost of liquefied gas is less than electricity, but its calorific value is lower, heating costs are comparable to the use of electricity;
  • the installation of a gas tank and a gas pipeline requires voluminous earthworks, a place must be prepared for gas appliances in the house;
  • permission is required to install the system;
  • inspection, repair and replacement of any parts of the gas supply are performed only by gas workers.

Autonomous gas supply ensures a higher degree of independence.

Ease of use

The operation of modern boilers, regardless of the type of fuel, does not cause difficulties

Ease of maintenance and use is an important feature. The consumer pays extra for the convenience.

Electric boiler

The device is equipped with a control module and multi-stage safety automation. The setting is extremely simple and is carried out by the consumer himself. If the device is equipped with a programmer, you can also set the operating mode - for example, power reduction at night, switch-on and switch-off times, etc.

Gas holder

The operation of the gasholder itself is also not difficult. The tank works in automatic mode. The owner periodically checks the fuel level using the sensor and, if necessary, buys a gas mixture. The supplier is responsible for the download.

To make the right decision, you need to evaluate all the factors. For example, if elderly people will live in a private home, electricity is preferable - it is safer. If there are interruptions in the supply of electricity, it is better to install a gas tank.
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