How to carry out a sewage system in a private house

Certain requirements are imposed on the sewage system - storm, drainage, fecal. These are not just instructions - the comfort of people living in a private house depends on their functioning, as well as the level of environmental pollution. If the house does not have a central water supply, but consumes water from its own well on the site, it is important to ensure that the drinking water is not contaminated with waste water.

Sewerage requirements in a private house

The main requirements apply to the following points:

  • the width of the outlet pipes;
  • the distance between the house and the septic tank, as well as to the groundwater level;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • the number of wells for wastewater treatment;
  • the distance from the septic tank to the drinking well;
  • the location of pipes inside the house (wiring connected to a common riser);
  • the depth of the pipes outside the house.

The presence of inspection wells along the line will be a plus if you have to clear blockages. The sewerage system in a private house is planned taking into account future repairs or preventive maintenance.

Internal dimensions and angles recommendations

The width of the external line should be at least 15 cm.This is necessary so that the liquid in the pipes does not freeze in winter and passes through the site faster, and if large particles enter the sewer system, no blockage occurs.

There are recommendations for arranging internal wiring, by performing which you can avoid problems with the operation of the system:

  • The toilet is connected separately from the rest of the plumbing. The toilet pipe goes directly into the main riser.
  • The diameter of the pipe of the main riser should be wider than the outlet of the toilet, which, according to the norms, should not be less than 10 cm in width.
  • The distance from the toilet bowl to the main riser is a maximum of 1 meter. The rest of the plumbing is up to 3 m.
  • All plumbing is connected above the connection point of the toilet. In the event of a blockage, the water pressure will help push it through.

It is better to make the supply pipes from the well the same size as the outlet pipes. Layers should not be thinner than eyeliners.

Angles of inclination of pipes depending on their diameter:

  • if the pipe diameter is 5 cm, then it is tilted 3 cm every meter;
  • 10 - 11 cm wide require a slope of 2 cm per linear meter;
  • 16 cm diameter - 1 cm slope.

You cannot make 90 degree turns of the pipes. In this place, the probability of blockage is always higher. Angles of 135 degrees are suitable for pipe bends to ensure a smooth flow of fluid.

Inspection wells are installed every 15 m of the highway, so that in case of clogging of one section, it would be easier to get to it from the outside.

Requirements for ventilation, siphons and check valves

The ventilation pipe is led out to the roof with a separate riser. It cannot be combined with air ventilation at home, as sewer odors will penetrate into every room where there is an air flow. To get rid of the problem, it will be possible to completely rebuild the system.

When leaving the house, it is necessary to install a non-return valve that prevents wastewater from entering the house. Most often, the pipes exit through the basement. In the event of an overflow, the wastewater will flood the basement.

A siphon is installed on every plumbing device in the house - these are pipes bent in the shape of a U. When water is constantly there, it prevents odors from entering the house. However, if there is a siphon and there is no ventilation, the vacuum will remove water from the siphon with each flush, and it will not perform its function. The ventilation pipe in this case balances the pressure.

Types of sewer systems in a private house

Depending on how much time you plan to spend in the house, choose one of the types of sewage device:

  • storage septic tank - cesspool;
  • treatment septic tanks - multilevel sewerage;
  • aerotank - biological wastewater treatment.

If the sewage system is designed for the summer period, it is enough to dig a septic tank and concrete it or use ready-made concrete or plastic rings. To install concrete structures, you will need a technique, plastic rings can be installed together. Both options are durable and reliable, long-lasting and do not pollute the environment.

The disadvantage of a cesspool with a dead bottom is the need for constant pumping. You will often have to call the flusher truck, which will require an investment of financial resources. If you delay cleaning to save money, odors will spread throughout the area. It is even possible to overflow through the top hatch.

Treatment septic tanks

Three-chamber septic tank

It is a two or three level wastewater treatment system. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • from the main riser, water and toilet waste fall into a sealed sump with a dead bottom, where large particles settle to the bottom - there they are processed by bacteria that do not need air for life;
  • the settled liquid flows into another reservoir, where aerobic microorganisms act on it and gradually oxidize organic residues;
  • 70% purified liquid is absorbed into the soil, since the bottom of the second tank is perforated or completely absent.

The advantage of the system is the independent operation of the device. If necessary, an additional pump is installed, but usually the overflow effect is achieved by different levels of pipe installation. It will not be necessary to pump out waste from the first container as often as from a cesspool. When biological activators are added, the resulting organic matter is used as fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden.

Cons of the system:

  • the best degree of absorption is possible on sandy soil, but on loam and clay soils, the soil hardly passes liquid - up to 5 liters per day - for a private house this is extremely small;
  • if the groundwater is high, then the contaminated liquid can get into the drinking water;
  • during installation and planning, you will have to observe many sanitary rules and regulations.

Due to the type of soil on the site, this type of septic tank may not take root, therefore, specialist advice is necessary. It is important to make the sewerage system in a private house correctly so that there are no problems with operation.

Aeration tank

Septic tank operation with aeration

It is a volatile wastewater treatment method. In order for the unit to work efficiently, there should be no interruptions in the electrical supply, drains must be supplied constantly. The most important requirement is maintaining a balance between the amount of sludge, which acts as a biological filter, and toxic waste.

The aeration tank works according to the following scheme:

  1. Contaminated sewage liquid enters the settling tank.
  2. The effluent is pumped into a second tank where it is mixed with sludge. Here oxygen is pumped for the effective work of aerobic microorganisms.
  3. When the oxidation process of organic residues is completed, the water is pumped into the next tank, and the sludge returns to its place.
  4. After the second tank, the drains are 98% purified and can be used as industrial water - for plumbing, watering beds, washing cars.

There are many types of aeration tanks, but they all work according to the same principle.The difference is in the number of treatment stages, the power of the unit, additional technologies for the regeneration of the biological filter - sludge.

Aeration is a prerequisite, otherwise microorganisms will die from lack of oxygen, will not be able to multiply and actively oxidize organic matter.

Advantages of the system:

  • High quality wastewater treatment - water can be reused for the needs of the site.
  • Small size - can be installed even in a small area.
  • It does not need heating, since energy is released during oxidation and the temperature regime is maintained in a natural way.
  • There are no unpleasant odors.

The disadvantages are:

  • The device must be used constantly - interruptions in work can be maximum three months. Further, microorganisms die. Such a system is not suitable for country houses, where the sewage system functions only in summer.
  • This is a rather complicated piece of equipment, so it needs to be constantly monitored.
  • High prices.

During operation, the device uses electricity, so its installation will require constant voltage in the network. An independent battery may be required.

Design and necessary calculations

Sewerage scheme in a one-story house

Planning the installation of a sewage system in a private house:

  1. Determine the location of each plumbing device in the house.
  2. Calculate the diameter of the internal piping, the distance to the main riser and the type of attachment. Calculate the approximate consumption of materials and fittings.
  3. Choose the type of sewage system depending on the properties of the soil and financial capabilities.
  4. Determine the installation site of the main riser. Usually its location depends on the toilet. If there are two or more of them, they are in a different vertical plane, then two or more risers must also be made. It is advisable to plan bathrooms one above the other if the house is two-story.
  5. The highway is planned in such a way that there are fewer turns and corners. This way, blockages can be avoided.

With the correct calculations, the system will work without interruption, even if temporary overloads occur.

Choice of materials

A pipe with a diameter of 5 cm is suitable for all devices inside the house. For a toilet bowl you need 10 - 11 cm. The main riser is 15 cm. The material of pipes - polyvinyl chloride - is the lightest, cheapest and most durable. You can dock such parts by inserting the end of one part into another pipe. For sections with a turn, corner pieces are used.

Sometimes they carry out sewage from cast iron, but it is more expensive. The assembly of heavy material requires the use of force or special technique. The plus is that it does not oxidize and is less susceptible to mechanical stress. Cast iron pipes do not like temperature changes, so they are additionally insulated with mineral wool.

During installation, tees - fittings - are useful for arranging wiring, as well as adapters for joining pipes of larger and smaller diameters.

Features and stages of sewerage installation

Internal and external sewerage systems begin to equip at the same time. The inner pipes are laid and connected in accordance with the rules at the stage of laying the foundation. At the junction of the internal and external highways, a corrugated pipe is used so that when the building subsides, no structural deformations occur.

The septic tank is equipped first of all, since this is the most voluminous part of the work. A cesspool must be dug, concrete or plastic rings must be brought in and laid. If the septic tank is made of brick, it will take even longer, since it must be laid out and concreted, then allowed to dry.

For the external highway, it is necessary to prepare a trench into which the drain pipe will be laid at a certain angle. The depth is calculated based on the distance between the house and the septic tank. Usually it does not exceed 10 meters. Longer sections are additionally insulated so that the liquid does not freeze in winter.

When everything is ready inside and out, the segments are connected, and the trench and the pit for the septic tank are covered with soil and tamped.

It is recommended to keep the sewerage plan so that in the event of land work on the site, the laid pipes are not damaged.

After the construction of the house, the liners are connected to siphons and plumbing. This completes the laying of the sewerage system.

Operation and maintenance

It is recommended to install inspection chambers every 15 meters.

After the installation of the sewage system, its work is checked: several buckets of water are poured through the upper pipe and watch how it flows into a settling tank or cesspool.

If the system was installed with engineering violations, then after a while a problem may arise in the form of a blockage or depressurization of the structure. In this case, you will have to open an underground pipeline and look for a leak or blockage in the pipe. In order not to do this, it is better to listen to the advice of experts and equip inspection wells through which you can clean the pipe section.

In case of mechanical damage to the line, there is only one way out - to excavate the entire pipe, find the damaged place and replace part of the line.

The cost of laying a sewage system in a private house

The price for installing a sewage system in a private house depends on its type. There are very cheap options that are carried out on their own. They are suitable for a country cottage, but not for permanent residence.

The number of consumables in a two-story house will be greater, therefore, construction will be more expensive. The presence in the house of many household appliances and plumbing equipment - toilets, sinks, bathtubs, showers requires more pipes and fittings. For insulation, you will have to buy a special material, the amount of which depends on the length of the street highway.

If the installation is performed with violations, then the sanitary and epidemiological station can issue a fine, which will make the sewer system of the house even more expensive. Especially if wastewater flows into a nearby body of water.

The sewerage system, as well as the gas, electric, and water systems, refers to utilities. Its installation is a crucial moment in construction, on which the durability of the entire structure will depend. You should not skimp on those things that should serve for decades, because repairs are a waste of finances and time, which may not be available after a while.
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