How to choose split system air conditioners, reviews

Hundreds of air conditioners meet us in stores. Consultants are in a hurry to "offer" models more expensive and more abruptly. But the high price tag is not always justified. How to choose split system air conditioners, read on.

Criteria for choosing a split air conditioner

How to choose split system air conditioners, reviewsTo correctly approach the choice of a split household air conditioner, you need to know quite a bit. And if you first go through the forums about split system air conditioners, then it will be almost impossible to make a mistake:

  • Buy an air conditioner before finishing the room. This way you can save a significant amount on installation;
  • Consider the area of ​​the room and the cooling capacity, as well as the flow of heat from equipment, windows. So, 1 square meter of windows or showcases emits about 450 watts of heat, and a person, on average, 140 watts. Having calculated the heat gains, we add them to the calculated power, equal to 1 kilowatt of cooling power per 10 square meters of the premises;
  • To the cost of the air conditioner itself, we add another 12-15% for consumables (copper pipe, insulation, fasteners, drainage tube, electrical cord), as well as at least 20% for installation;
  • Choose a household split air conditioner from a well-known manufacturer. By paying 25 - 30% more, you will receive an additional 5 - 10 years of equipment operation.

The experience of split systems air conditioners experienced from forums.

How to choose a split-system air conditioner, without taking into account the reviews of other buyers?

You should be skeptical about reviews of split air conditioners posted on store websites.

Many of them are seller promotions. There are a lot of reviews on specialized forums about air conditioners split systems. They inspire more confidence, they are replete with details and amateur photos.

For example, very good reviews about GREE split air conditioners, as well as subsidiary models Tosotoperating on compressors from GREE.

Model Т09Н works quietly and is made of high quality materials. The disadvantage is the lack of fasteners for the blocks.

Reviews of split systems manufactured by Rolsen are quite skeptical.

Pros: quiet operation, decent appearance, low electricity consumption, display backlight off.

Among the minuses: an inconvenient and too simple remote control, there are doubts about an effective air ionizer, the "SLEEP" mode is not quite correctly debugged, in the standby mode it buzzes so that it interferes with sleep.

Contradictory reviews of split system air conditioners Midea... Some owners are dissatisfied with the equipment, mentioning cheap materials for the case and mountings, noisy operation and an unpleasant chemical smell from the inner case.

Their opponents, agreeing with the listed disadvantages, believe that there are still more advantages: low price, quiet operation in the "SLEEP" mode, effective cooling.
Add a comment

  1. Denis

    Informative article. In general, the choice of an air conditioner should be approached carefully, if you do not want to have troubles later. Personally, I trust Panasonic air conditioners. The Split system Panasonic S-F50DB4E5 / U-B50DBE8

    1. Valery Shumanov

      Hello Denis!
      Thank you for your feedback. Indeed, the choice of technology is very important, since the choice on the market lately is huge and it is quite difficult to find something really good, but we are trying to help you with this!
      Best regards, Valery!



