Calculation of the capacity of an air conditioner for a production room

Many modern devices and equipment are very sensitive to changes in temperature or humidity. To ensure their normal operation, special air conditioning systems are installed in production facilities, which are complex multi-modular structures.

What is SCR of industrial premises

Bigger is not better
Bigger is not better

Air conditioning systems in industrial premises (ACS) are necessary to provide the necessary air parameters in industrial premises. Indoor air conditioning is carried out in conjunction with ventilation and sometimes heating. However, the most advanced systems can handle all three functions.

According to construction companies, about 15% of the money spent on the construction of data centers and enterprises with complex technological processes goes to the organization of indoor air conditioning.
Modern air conditioning of industrial premises is an expensive task that takes up to 60% of the funds used to maintain a building.

Air conditioning capacity calculation

The calculation of the air conditioning of the room implies that for 1 sq. meter of floor space accounts for 2.5 kW of precision air conditioner power.

That is, 2.5 times higher than the calculated capacity of a household air conditioner.

Household or "comfortable" air conditioners have a perceptible cold coefficient of 0.65 - 0.7. The remaining 0.3 or 30% of the power is used for dehumidification of indoor air. After all, people give off a lot of moisture.

And the technique does not distinguish it at all. Therefore, the coefficient of perceived cold in precision air conditioners is 0.8 - 0.95.

An equally important parameter of room air conditioning is the ability to maintain a given temperature level. Precision air conditioning systems in industrial premises maintain the temperature to within 2 degrees, and some even up to 0.5 degrees. Most of the comfortable air conditioners provide for temperature drops of up to 5 degrees.

The most important climatic parameter taken into account when calculating the air conditioning of premises and necessary for the normal operation of precision equipment is humidity. Precision climate systems are able to maintain this indicator at the level required in each specific case, on average 44 - 55%.

Owners who save on professional air conditioning sooner or later face breakdowns in expensive equipment: contacts oxidize, printed circuit boards crack, wiring insulation dries up. The equipment requires complex and expensive repairs.
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