Installation kits and air conditioner installation kits

It is necessary to connect the external unit of the device to the internal one. The mounting kit for the air conditioner includes a standard set of materials When installing complex systems, one set may not be enough, the length of the tubes depends on the distance of the units from each other and the characteristics of the apparatus. The price of the kit is included in the cost of installing the air conditioner.

Elements of the standard mounting kit

Air conditioner installation
Air conditioner installation

The kit includes:

  • Copper tubing with a diameter of 3/8 and 1/4 inches for the cold line,
  • Brass nuts of the same diameter as copper pipes for attaching the cold line to the blocks are used only for mounting, installing the air conditioner;
  • Heat resistant hose (some kits include already insulated tubing);
  • Flexible pipe for water drainage - an obligatory component of the installation kit for the air conditioner;
  • Outdoor unit holders, protective cover;
  • Corrugated pipe for electric cable;
  • Sealants;
  • Electrical cable;
  • Freon is needed if an additional cold line is installed.

Usually, the kit for installing the air conditioner also comes with instructions for self-assembly.

If desired, you can find on sale kits with already flared copper tubes, with nuts attached to them.

Such options are good only with a standard length of the cooling pipe and do not affect the cost of installing the air conditioner.

Experts categorically do not recommend installing split air conditioners without the intervention of masters from the service center.

This list of materials can be used to check the calculations of the cost of installing the air conditioner presented by specialists.

Non-standard installation

The installation, installation of an air conditioner on a loggia is called non-standard, if it is planned to use the equipment in frosty weather, and also if you have to mount an outdoor unit on the south side of the house.

You should immediately warn the owners of glazed balconies - you cannot put an external block on them!

A lot of fresh air is needed for the equipment to function properly. First, to save on the cost of installing the air conditioner - this means guaranteed breakdowns and incorrect operation of the equipment in the future.

Depending on the situation, hardware, electrodes for welding, metal corners or fittings, screens for reflecting sunlight and more are added to the above. A slightly different kit for installing an air conditioner is also needed for installing a duct, cassette air conditioner.
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