Why install a GSM module for a heating boiler

The innovative heating devices are complemented by a remote control system. The GSM module for heating boilers has become a serious competitor to consoles and stationary systems of the classic type. This is a convenient controller equipped with sensors and connected to boilers of all categories. Before buying a module, it is worthwhile to study in advance its device, pros and cons, as well as the requirements for its installation.

Purpose and functions of the GSM module for heating boilers

The module allows you to remotely control the boiler settings to prevent equipment damage

Despite the fully automated operation of heating boilers and their ability to maintain the desired temperature on their own, sometimes unforeseen situations may arise. The GSM controller for heating control is responsible for processing and transferring data from the device to the user and back in the form of text messages. The main task of the module is to maintain the set settings and promptly respond to any changes in the equipment operation. The device helps to prevent and correct:

  • freezing the heating circuit;
  • gas supply problems or fuel leaks;
  • coolant flow;
  • power outage;
  • a sharp increase in pressure;
  • extinction of the gas burner;
  • overheating of heating equipment.

The remote device provides all the necessary data from external sensors that are connected to the controller. The boiler can be controlled using SMS messages, a mobile application, voice commands or from the manufacturer's website. This type of module is recommended for owners of country houses and summer cottages, as well as for those who often leave for a long time. It can also be used as part of a smart home's heating system control.

GSM module device

The main nodes of the remote controller

The module is a controller-board with a special GSM package that transmits information using a cellular connection. The controller is responsible for connecting sensors and is part of a standardized home appliance control channel. It can have a basic or extended configuration. The list of the main components of the device includes:

  • GSM module for cellular communication applications;
  • interface for connecting sensors and communication lines to an electric boiler and other elements;
  • controller and central processor;
  • Power Supply;
  • battery for backup power.

Extended equipment includes auxiliary thermal sensors, a microphone, sensors that detect the flow of water, fire, smoke, the penetration of strangers into the dwelling. It may also include a device for opening the entrance gate and other additional elements. Modern modules are compact in size, complemented by a display, LED indicators and connectors for connecting external devices.

The user can choose one of several modes, which determines what data he will receive about the operation of the device. It can be automatic, manual or alarm mode.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Control

All data on the operation of the boiler is immediately sent to the smartphone

Boiler control via GSM has many other advantages besides remote control and autonomous operation. Users add the following advantages to this list:

  • the ability to update data during each connection remotely;
  • sending data to a personal smartphone;
  • minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to the system;
  • instant data acquisition in case of a non-standard situation;
  • timely systematization and updating of data received from sensors.

The module also has its drawbacks: dependence on the quality of the mobile network coverage, which is responsible for the stability of the transmission and exchange of information. The owners of such devices note their high cost, especially when it comes to a module with an extended configuration. Despite this, the costs are fully paid off during operation due to the complete optimization of energy consumption.

Experts do not recommend connecting the GSM module for an electric or gas boiler on your own without experience, as well as setting up and checking such equipment.

Basic installation requirements

Complete set of the module for installation on the boiler

Installation of the GSM module for boiler control is permissible at the point from which all necessary sensors and interfaces can be connected. In this case, the length of the line to the temperature sensor must be taken into account, it can be 1-100 meters, taking into account the functionality of the device. The communication lines from the boilers for control should be as short as possible, especially if the module is tasked with switching the power supply to the boiler. At the installation site, mobile communication should work well; to improve it, it is permissible to use an external antenna.

It is best to install the module directly next to the boiler at a distance of at least 1.5 meters and with a rise of no more than 50 cm in order to prevent water from entering the device in the event of an accident. If necessary, the units are placed outside the boiler room in a well-heated room, where there should be free access to it for monitoring and adjusting the boiler. Connection is carried out using a separate power line from the unit or panel, or using a wire to the nearest outlet.

Popular models

Sapsan Pro 6 - the most innovative device for remote boiler control

A large number of modules from Russian and foreign manufacturers are presented on the market. Among them, there are three models of devices that have proven themselves as ideal options for heating boilers.

Xital GSM

The Xital GSM device is a cellular control system with extended functionality. With its help, you can configure all the necessary parameters during the operation of the heating equipment. The module is equipped with an alarm that notifies the owner with an SMS message in case of a change in the set mode. The data can be output to any mobile device with a permanent IP address.

Sapsan Pro 6

The Sapsan Pro 6 module is considered the most innovative controller of the Sapsan brand and makes it possible to configure the system according to the “Smart Home” principle. It is equipped with 8 programmable dry and open collector outputs. The device allows you to control not only the heating system, but also the light, video recording system, gates, air conditioning and other elements.

Telcom 2

Telcom 2 is considered one of the most popular due to its reasonable cost, compact size, simple settings and the presence of an application that allows you to send commands, including SMS. The device has a minimal, but at the same time convenient functionality, it makes it possible to control the temperature, set up alerts, check the parameters of the boiler operation, and a special relay is built into its module to turn on and off the heating unit.

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