Scissors for cutting sheets of metal tiles - features and varieties

Roofing metal profile is the most demanded material in private and commercial construction. The finished coating is durable, tight, presentable and durable. Products are produced in large sheets, which must be adjusted to size during the installation process. This can be done quickly, accurately and efficiently with special scissors for metal tiles. Various types of tools of this class are on sale, each has its own characteristics and rules of application.

Nibbler design features

Scissors are needed to adjust the material

The corrugated board has a multi-layer structure, the basis of which is a metal plate. Zinc coating is applied on both sides, and on the front side there is also paint and a protective polymer layer.

For all their advantages, the panels have weaknesses:

  • with strong pressure, the tin is deformed, and it is impossible to return it to its original form;
  • when exposed to high temperatures, the polymer coating melts and burns out;
  • thin steel vibrates and bends during the sawing process.

Electric scissors for metal tiles allow you to cut profiled sheets quickly, accurately and without any complications. The peculiarities of the tool are the application of a large point force on a limited area of ​​the sheet. The impact is carried out with sharp and strong edges on the material clamped in a narrow space. Thanks to the well-thought-out design of the profiled sheet shears, the cutting process is quiet, fast, with smooth edges.

Why you can't cut metal tiles with a grinder

You cannot use a grinder to cut metal tiles.

When building a roof with a complex shape, you have to cut a lot of sheets and make holes in them. The desire to use an angle grinder looks attractive, but it should be abandoned despite its apparent lightness. Separation of sheets is carried out by friction, and this process is accompanied by high temperatures and the formation of a large sheaf of sparks.

The use of a grinder on a corrugated board leads to the following negative consequences:

  • overheating of the metal, a decrease in its strength at the edges;
  • burning out of polymer spraying, evaporation of zinc, development of corrosion;
  • change in paint near the cut due to exposure to critical temperatures;
  • damage to the coating by sparks flying from the disk;
  • risk of fire for waterproofing and battens.

If you spare the money for scissors for cutting metal tiles and use a grinder for this, in a year the roof and fence will be rusty, and in a couple of years the coating will have to be changed. As an option - rent a scissors for a profiled sheet.

What methods can be used to cut metal tiles

It is best to use electric shears

There are several ways to cut metal roofing without overheating.

  • Sawing with a hand saw. The tool is inexpensive, but this is where its benefits end. The process is long, difficult, requiring a level workbench. Making curved shapes is impossible.
  • The use of a jigsaw. An excellent option for curly carving with sufficient performance. But here, too, the sheet must be pressed, otherwise it will bend and vibrate during processing.
  • Cut on a sawmill.Fast, accurate, but not always available. Not every district has such devices, and even with a special disk. If there is a lot of work to be done, you can invent and assemble a homemade machine.
  • Grinder cutting with speed control. Here you need a steady hand, accurate calculation and considerable costs for consumables.
  • Scissors for metal. Products allow you to get smooth edges of the workpieces. However, they are not capable of making holes, there is a possibility of deformation of the edges. It takes a lot of physical effort.

All approaches have the right to life, but when building your own real estate, it makes sense to choose quality, and not a dubious and difficult to achieve result. It is better to spend money on electric shears for metal tiles, so that you can work easily and with pleasure.

Varieties of nibbling shears

Nibblers allow you to cut profiled metal sheets without too much difficulty

For cutting steel sheets, you can use tools that differ in the type of drive and the principle of operation. Priorities are set based on their own skills, abilities, volume and specifics of the upcoming task.

When conducting private construction, you can use the following devices:

  • Hand scissors. Their design is similar to that of office supplies. The differences lie in the more powerful moving elements and the presence of a spring between the handles. The separation of the metal occurs by cutting under the influence of muscle force. To increase the force, nozzles on the handles can be used. The edges are smooth, there is no waste. The product is simple, trouble-free, but its performance is extremely low. A good option for small-scale work, but not suitable for covering the roof of a house. Therefore, in the ranking of household tools, hand scissors for corrugated board take the last place.
  • Nibbling knives. Products belong to the category of semi-professional equipment. They are distinguished by a simple device, compactness and high performance. The principle of operation consists in alternately cutting out the circles of the metal enclosed in the matrix with a punch. The thickness of the processed sheet and the maneuverability of the device depend on the size of the matrix. The power of the electric cutter allows you to make even and curved cuts not only on sheet metal, but also on thicker sheet metal, pipes, and other steel structures.
  • Spline cutters. Powerful and efficient professional cutting tool. The open head allows you to work with metal up to 5 mm thick, which is especially in demand in industrial construction. Cutting is carried out with two parallel blades that cut thin chips in a continuous strip 3 mm wide. The edges are perfectly flat without distortion. A powerful motor ensures continuous movement of the device on a flat and corrugated surface. The device is the most productive, but it costs much more than analogues.

The best option for a private developer is die-cut appliances. They have the most optimal price-quality ratio with a sufficient level of reliability and durability indicators.

Features of using nibblers

Drill bits

Manufacturers produce a wide range of devices of this type, differing in size, power and metal cutting characteristics.

For arranging roofing, you can choose the following types of tools:

  • With a bottom cut. The die has a pendulum support, the punch strikes the sheet from below, the iron particles are fed up.
  • Top cut. The punch moves from top to bottom, the punched-out fragments fall to the floor without covering the surgical field.
  • Drill bits (screwdriver). An inexpensive but effective attachment, where performance is determined by the power of the device and the quality of the nozzle. Allows for almost all types of cutting. By the method of attachment to the pulley, the location of the punch is determined - above or below.

When working with nibbling knives, the following rules must be followed:

  • hold the device by the body and the handle at the same time;
  • select the shape of the punch and the size of the matrix in accordance with the thickness of the sheet;
  • when working from the middle of the panel, first make a hole for the tip;
  • apply appropriate force to move the device along the contour;
  • first install the scissors on the sheet, and then turn on the engine;
  • periodically take breaks to clean the matrix;
  • make sure that the tip is not loose and is securely fixed.

With the right choice and operation, electric shears will demonstrate all their advantages - productivity, compactness, lightness, convenience and ease of use. The main thing is to study the characteristics of the device when buying.
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