Hookah hood: characteristics, errors and tips for installing the system

Hookah smoking rooms are a promising modern business direction. But given the fact that smoking rooms for hookah installations have become so popular a place for recreation and pastime that they accept a large flow of people within their walls, it is worth taking care that not only the design of the room, but also all the technical characteristics correspond to the general atmosphere.

Hookah room category and characteristics

hookah roomThe big difference is, depending on which room was equipped for smoking hookahs. Today, there are two types of premises, where similar places for recreation can be equipped:

  • a separate separate room for smoking hookah installations;
  • an isolated room in which hookah installations are equipped, located in small rooms located within entertainment venues: bars, restaurants, cafes and others.

If in the first case the room is originally intended for such events, then in the second case it is worth considering some subtleties that must be followed without fail. If the room is located in the common room of an entertainment facility, then the main goal that must be pursued when equipping this facility is high-quality ventilation in the hookah room, where, in addition to the number of smoking installations, occupancy is also taken into account. This just guarantees a comfortable stay for all persons outside the hookah bar.

Displacement ventilation technology is capable of protecting the premises from the spread of smoke coming from the room for hookahs.

Hookah exhaust ventilation basics

hookah ventilation system
hookah ventilation system

The main principle of this type of ventilation system is the highly efficient use of a special grille system. The point is that marking is performed on the ceiling surface of the hookah room, and then the installation of air intake grilles.

The installation procedure includes the following steps:

  • making accurate preliminary measurements;
  • drawing clear schematic markings over the entire surface of the facility being equipped;
  • direct installation of air intake grille elements and fixation on the ceiling surface;
  • grilles are mounted on the floor surface, which provide air flow.

The performance indicators of the hood are such that they significantly prevail over the inflow. This, in turn, ensures the creation of a pressure with a negative indicator (no more than> 5 - 10 Pa). Thus, there is a constant influx of fresh air masses, which provide a sufficient volume of pure oxygen required for each client present. Entry speed = 0.7 m / s maximum.

Hookah room ventilation tasks

how is the hookah room ventilated
how the hookah room is ventilated

The basic rule that must be observed in any room used for smoking hookahs is the fastest possible removal of smoke and, at the same time, the regular supply of fresh air inside the premises, organized in accordance with existing safety standards.

Requirements for arranging hookah ventilation:

  • energy efficient process of blowing the room;
  • complete exclusion of the possibility of the appearance of spontaneous and constant drafts;
  • ensuring the most favorable climate for all persons present in the institution.

Planning and designing a ventilation system is a rather laborious process. Both for a room for hookah installations, and for most other objects, the work depends on several fundamental factors:

  • location of the premises (room). That is, a separate object, or a room inside the institution;
  • the maximum possible number of visitors allowed for a one-time stay in a smoking room;
  • availability of other ventilation systems;
  • the amount of money provided for the arrangement of high-quality ventilation.

Ultimately, it can be noted that for rooms for hookah installations, ventilation systems with a supply and exhaust structure are optimal, where air is exchanged 10 to 20 times within 1 hour. The total number of circles of circulation of the incoming and outgoing air masses will depend on the filling.

Such a hookah ventilation device allows:

  • direct exhaust smoke from the floor surface to the ceiling surface;
  • exclude unwanted mixing of smoke formations and fresh air flow coming from the street.

System design errors

supply and exhaust ventilation
supply and exhaust ventilation

The hardest part of designing a hookah ventilation system is achieving the perfect balance. This optimal balance is achieved in relation to the productivity of the inflow of clean air masses and the power indicator characteristic of the hood itself.

The next common mistake concerns the complete absence of a ventilation system in smoking rooms. In addition to the inconvenience of being in such premises, here, in addition to everything, we are also talking about compliance with state standards for safe stay in premises of the corresponding category.

In accordance with GOST of the Russian Federation, for one person within the space, the volume of clean air must fall within the range of 80 - 180 m3 / h.

Features of ventilation of hookah lounges as part of an entertainment establishment

standard room ventilation system
standard room ventilation system

The gross violation is the organization of smoking rooms as part of the total area of ​​the hall. An equally gross mistake is the isolation of smoking areas exclusively with curtains, screens, thin doors and other lightweight structures. It's not worth talking about the equipment of smoking areas in the corners or on the second floors of buildings.

Useful recommendations for the proper arrangement of the ventilation system of smoking rooms:

  • curtains are supplemented with additional air purifiers;
  • the speed at which the curtain mostly operates should be low during the period of increased flow;
  • all exhaust air containing hookah smoke coming from the cleaning curtains must be removed by using a powerful hood;
  • all waste air flows of the establishment must be discharged through the smoking room with hookah installations.
  • the presence of only the zoning of the hall is not a sufficient way to optimally change the air in the room.

At the stage of opening a hookah establishment, it is worthwhile to foresee in advance a separate budget line intended for arranging the ventilation and exhaust system. This is quite understandable, since a high-quality system cannot be cheap, and besides, it is not characterized by high performance during the period of operation.

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